
Response to COVID-19 Phase 1 Re-Opening Plan

Hello friends and new followers!
I’m reaching out to you all today, with a response to Premier Ford’s announcement about the Phase 1 re-opening of businesses, and to keep you posted on what this means for my photography business.

Firstly, I should note that this is still such an uncertain time for us all – clients and photography businesses alike.  Weddings and events have been postponed, some weddings are still on and awaiting more updates; families are eager to document their milestones and hospitals are restricting birth photographers and extra support persons.  And photographers are finding little to no resources to guide our decisions.

With all this uncertainty and unclear direction from the governement pertaining to my specific industry, I have reached out to the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) to seek some answers.  Here is their response to my inquiries regarding re-opening sessions:
“Thank you for reaching out for information about Ontario’s re-opening schedule.

This Office has made attempts to obtain information directly from the Office of the Premier with respect to the re-opening plans for photography businesses in Ontario , however we have not yet received a response.

The information we have received from the Essential Workplaces Hotline ((888) 444-3659) is that if a specific business is not listed as able to re-open in the current phase (phase 1), they are not permitted to open.  Photography is not among those businesses listed, so we must conclude that they cannot yet re-open. We have also been reminded that the list is being enforced, as they are rules and not simply recommendations.  Those who violate them may be fined for doing so….

…All we can do at this time is continue to maintain the status quo.”
So it is with sadness that I announce I will not be able to conduct sessions and do in-person business during this Phase 1 plan.  It is unknown (even by the Essential Workplaces Hotline) whether this industry will be included in stage 2, but I will continue to monitor this and reach out to authorities to get answers on when I will be able to open back up.  Please understand that although it is just as important to me to photograph and document life as it is to you, there are rules being enforced and there will be fines issued to both photographers and clients for not abiding by those rules.  And of course, the health and safety of our community and preventing the spread of the virus is of utmost importance.

I will continue to use this time to put together safety protocols and update my procedures, in preparation for getting back to photographing and conducting in-person business.  I will be sure to share these new protocols with you prior to our engagements, and will publish a copy onto my website soon.

You all know me – please please PLEASE feel free to contact me at anytime if you have any questions and/or need to chat! 


Jesseka Paguirigan
Jesseka Melanie Photography

Jesseka is a lifestyle and event photographer photographing primarily within the Greater Toronto Area, and available for travel beyond.

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Jesseka Melanie

Greater Toronto Area photographer specializing in


weddings and events


lifestyle portraits


birthing photography

Greater Toronto Area photographer specializing in


weddings and events



lifestyle portraits



birthing photography
